Instruction should not be an information dump. Someone standing at the front of the room trying to tell you everything they know about a subject in as little time as possible is not training. We need to ensure that training - whether it is f2f or DE - is a learning experience for the student. We need to ensure that the opportunity is there for the student to understand and apply the material - not just be a sounding board to gather information.
Unfortunately, a lot of consumers of PD want to be a sounding board - they don't want to actually learn the material - they just want to be informed about that latest information without having to make the effort to read it. So, trainers have often taken the easiest route and designed their "course" as an information dump.
My goal is to ensure that my courses are never just and information dump....but that students who complete a course of mine - f2f or DE - will feel that they learned something. Even if they didn't intend to when they signed up for the course.
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